Teehee. So with the carpal tunnel, one of the better art forms that mimics my PT (that is, physical therapy) is playing with Sculpey! In fact, one of my exercises is to literally play with silly putty. Or the medical version of it. Apparently it comes in different hardnesses. I am at a #2 and it is plenty! #4 is like a rock that eventually squishes.
So these guys are up for sale, but not anywhere in particular. If you would like one, please send me an email (hello [at] angelabcomics.com). $25 apiece or $40 for two. I have others I will post later, too. Not necessarily frogs.

I made this little froggo first and 100% did not mean to make him Seahawks colors. The jerks just happened to pick colors I really like together so I often accidentally make Seahawks-themed color palettes. (I’m north of Seattle, where the Seahawks are.)

And then I remembered Sculpey teeth. I love putting little Sculpey teeth in things (if you haven’t noticed). Plus I have matte, satin, and high gloss varnish, so everyone’s teeth and eyeballs, at the very least, get high-gloss.

I made myself a little photography booth for getting pics of little guys. The DIY lightbox is simply made out of foam core. The flooring here is “fake grass.” And I got little tree stumps to prop things up on and add a little interest.

Oh man, I was so excited to find this sparkly black Sculpey! I had no idea what I wanted to make with it but I knew whatever it was would be cool. And I was right. This turned out excellent.

I also wanted to try to make one with long, long legs. Even if these break there is wire in them so they won’t fall off without breaking the entire thing. And I got to use my iridescent varnish. Just a dot on the fly on the tongue of the frog with the long, long legs.

I “got bored” of the regular frogs toward the end and wanted to use my ridiculously red Sculpey. And what’s red? Strawberries. Oddly enough, as cute as strawberries are, I am not a fan. Unless they are perfectly ripe and doused in sweet cream. Preferably with cake.
Recommendation Station
I have gone a little nuts looking for story puzzle games on my Switch. One of the recent ones was Lost in Play.
Super cute art. Very Gravity Falls and that style animation. My one complaint is that the girl looks too much like Ronald McDonald! But also some really fun character design. As one would expect with the animation style.
Very cute story. Two kids playing together through an imaginary world, so you can image how silly the shenanigans can be. Any game that can incorporate tea and a rubber duck is a better game for it, right?
Good puzzles. Even if you forget what you were doing, there are lots of good clues. When you go back to the “quest giver,” you get a series of images to guide you. There is no real language in the game, but I think this is a better solution, regardless.
I zipped right through it. Couldn’t put it down. Just fun and silly and cute, exactly what I wanted.
Stay curious,
P.S. I am going to turn on the ability to pay on the Substack site, but if you do or do not I will post all the same things, so don’t feel any pressure to add payment. I just wanted to give you a heads up before I turn it on on Friday.
Cute & wrinkly & slimy!
The perfect combo.
Heads up! The pale froggo with the open mouth and the blue and orange one are sold and off to a wonderful home with other frog friends.