Happy New Year, my friends! I have an easy goal for the year. I just bought a new (amazing!) sewing machine. So my goal is to sew. More things. (For the curious, it is the Brother NS80e. It comes with an automatic needle threader. And a light. Who knew?!) I have lots of ideas, including free embroidery to make . . . comics! The first thing I used it for was this needle book, ironically, for all my hand-sewing needles.
And then this pin cushion which was actually for a Domestika class on making toys. I picked two colors of felt I had a decent amount of and don’t have much use for. About 3.25” diameter.
I made this fella, now named Reginald, as a gift for my delightful cousin Jenny. She doesn’t live near me so I had to make something extra special when we finally got to hang out for Christmas this year! “But, really,” you say. “Delightful? How delightful can this cousin be?” Here’s how delightful. Reginald documented his trip back home with them.
The kids’ comic class at Jansen is a go, so sign up before it is full! Starts February 11.
Now’s the time to sign up for the zine class on February 1. It is in just under a month and we will learn how to make a whole bunch of different zine styles. You can make a great Valentine as a zine. Just saying.
Curio classes on Saturdays! These are going to be super fun, so definitely sign up for as many as you can. Bones! Feathers and fur! Plants!
Every year for Krsmans, Santa gets Abe and me a co-op video game to play. For a long string, it was Lego games and they made a comeback this year with Lego: Horizon Adventures. And it is really fun! We are playing it really easy because it is for goofing off, not working. There is some wonderful silliness in it, like the gadget Hotdog Man Cart that builds a hotdog cart and shoots random mistles all over the place.
I hope your day gets better from here!
P.S. Wally would greet you, but he fell asleep on my legs, successfully preventing me from getting any work done for an hour until I couldn’t wait any longer because my back teeth were floating.