That’s it. This is the last of The Tale of Ela Bannon, or Much Ado about Muffin.
Remember: If you join us on Patreon, you can read the back posts about my process: how I wrote it, drew it, designed it. I’ve talked about thumbnailing, dissecting the Beatrix Potter books, and picking the print size if there were to be one. They also just got the actual muffin recipe!! When you join us, please feel encouraged to ask any questions.
Game Time: Copse Caretaker
Copse Caretaker is now ready for your little fingies. It’s on Gumroad for pay what you want so you can grab a copy for free and play it right away.
Below is the most recent play through I did with my partner Abe, and our tenant Grace. Based on this playthrough, I added a few pages. Just the maps, just score sheets, and an extended score sheet that should explain how all the scoring works, making it easy to score right away. They would not read the directions first. I get it. I was a tech writer for years and know that a help page blast the answer at a user right in the face and they will still have to call support.
If you play, please share and tag me on social media: angelabcomics. I can’t wait to see how it goes for other people. I hope you guys have as much fun playing it as I have had designing it. FYI, I will post to Patreon backers about the “making-of” for this game in the next week or two.
I have a couple more games in the works, both print-and-play and “kinetic novels” (which are basically really simple video games). I am learning Python with Abe and it is a blast!! I already made text-based rock-paper-scissors and I am close to making a text-based magic number guessing game.
Stay curious,